
Sabtu, Agustus 18, 2007

Warung Semawis Semarang

Waroeng Semawis (people usually call it “Pasar Semawis”. Pasar means ‘market’ while waroeng means ‘food stall’) is usually held every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Pecinan (Chinatown) of Semarang. It takes place along the street of Gang Warung, the South of Johar market, the biggest traditional market in Semarang. In this special occasion, many kinds of food are sold, from jajanan pasar (traditional food) Semarang, such as lumpia, until some Chinese food, Javanese food, etc.
However, in relation to Semarang Pesona Asia event, Waroeng Sewamis was held longer, from 9-15 August 2007. Due to this big event, Waroeng Semawis also had special theme, that was ‘Asian Culinary Festival’. There were more varieties of food sold there, not only Chinese food and Javanese food, there were also some food stalls selling Korean food, Indian food, Vietnamese food, etc. There were more than 100 people opening food stalls there during ‘Asian Culinary Festival’.
Besides food, there were some stands selling cute merchandise, such as bracelet, necklace, wall decorations, until clothes, bags, etc. There were two special stands offering service to see what the future is like—fortune-teller.
I went there last Sunday evening 12 August 2007 together with Angie, my younger sister and one friend of hers. Below are some pictures taken along Gang Warung street. (FYI, in the morning/afternoon, the street is busy for business with many shops.)

In one Chinese temple located in the middle of the Chinatown, there was a ‘barongsai’ competition. Here are the pictures.

Below is the gate of the Chinese temple holding the competition.

We also visited Tay Kak Sie temple located on Gang Lombok. Since August 11, 2007 there has been a replica of Cheng Ho’s ship, floating on Semarang river, in front of the temple. It is believed that Cheng Ho, one Chinese admiral once dropped by in Semarang several centuries ago and built two temples (used to be mosques, people say), Sam Po Kong temple located in Bongsari, not far from my dwelling place, and the other one is Tay Kak Sie temple. Below you can see the pictures of the replica.

For your information, the replica is 41 meters long, 12 meters wide, and 3 meters high. I do agree that this replica can be one tourist attraction for those who visit the Chinatown of Semarang.
After taking a look at the replica, we also entered Tay Kak Sie temple, and took a look at some people doing their spiritual ceremony. Here are the pictures of the temple and the altar inside.

The event of ‘Semarang Pesona Asia’ is over now. As one dweller of Semarang, I do hope that the event will really make Semarang more famous in Asia. Consequently, the municipal government will give more attention to develop Semarang as well as we all hope, by minimizing the social problems that have happened here, especially the flood problem that happens not only during the rainy season, but also the dry season.
PT56 13.20 160807

2 komentar:

  1. Sebagai warga asli Semarang jelas mbak Nana bangga pada kotanya,se
    perti juga aku bangga pada kota a
    salku : Malang,yang sudah berpuluh
    tahun kutinggalkan!
    Bagus mbak,anda mempromosikan kota
    anda agar dikenal semua teman.....

  2. Pak Djoko dear,
    Thanks yah telah meninggalkan komentar di sini.
    Btw, iya nih, semenjak ada event Semarang Pesona Asia aku jadi pengen promosi Semarang melulu. hehehehe ... Dan aku menjadi semakin sadar how I love this hometown of mine and very proud of it. :)
