It has been raining very often in Semarang recently. This is understandable because this is still the rainy season. However, as far as I remember, this rarely happens. I mean, not to see the sunshine for several weeks in succession in Semarang is not something very common to happen, despite during the rainy season. Due to this, I have become somewhat spoilt, especially in terms of taking a shower. I have to boil some water first so that I can use warm water for shower. Besides, I always depend on the dryer in the washing machine to dry the clothes I just wash.
However, this post will not focus on this kind of thing.
Last Thursday February 21 on my way back from Demak after teaching at Bank Jateng Demak, I was trapped in a flooded area. I had to ride my dearest motorcycle at that time because Pak Har, my ‘ojek driver’ LOL, couldn’t give me a lift. His car was broken, he said. That Kaligawe is always flooded when there is big rain is something everybody knows. And I already know the alternative way to avoid Kaligawe, that is through ‘the artery road’. Nah, the flood recently also reached the ‘mouth’ of the artery road. Willy nilly I had to pass the flooded area and I didn’t have any idea how deep the flood was.
When I was thinking what I would do, a kid, perhaps around ten until twelve years approached me, asking me politely,
“Wanna pass the flooded area Ma’am? Here, let me help you. You get down from your motorcycle first and I will push it to pass this flooded area. The machine of your motorcycle will be safe. And you just walk behind me.”
I knew the boy just needed some money from me. And of course I didn’t mind it at all. So, I let him do what he said and I followed him while taking some pictures of what was going on around me. I have read articles in the newspaper how flood could give people a chance to get some extra money. And I experienced it myself.
Here are some pictures I took at that time (around 09.00 am Thursday 21 February 2008).
My dearest hometown, with its common problems, especially during the rainy season.
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